Simple Soya Chunk Masala

385 calories (193 calories per serving) · 33g protein (16g per serving) · 15g fat (8g per serving) · 4g sugars (2g per serving)

Soya chunks and california vegetables in a spicy meat-masala sauce

Heat up the oil in a frying pan or wok over medium heat. Add the california vegetables directly from the freezer, then add the meat masala on top and stir.

Add 1 cup of water to the pan, then add the soya chunks. Turn up the heat to medium-high and stir well. Let the water simmer off until there’s almost none left, then add the other cup of water and continue to simmer until soya chunks are cooked through and gravy is desired consistency.

Take the pan off heat and salt to taste. If desired, add a pinch of cornstarch to thicken gravy. Serve over parboiled rice.


This recipe is super simple but makes for a dinner that (to me) feels very homely and comforting. I hope to try this similar general approach with other masala mixes, as they’re an affordable way for me to get some of the tastes of Indian cuisine as a college student that can’t be bothered to keep a rack of dozens of spices.